Bulletin #6
© June 1994

While Iva was still away in Fiji and the Spellbound staff were busily putting the final touches on Issue 4, the next single off of Big Wheel was quietly released to record shops in Australia. Sightings of "Invisible People" were reported in record stores as early as May 2nd. With its striking yellow and red cover, it's a hard one to miss. It seems to actually watch you make your way over to it until you pick it up and purchase it… "Invisible People" was released on Diva and distributed by EMI. It will also be the final release from Big Wheel.

Our next bit of news will benefit more than just us Icehouse fans. On June 9th, Icehouse will take part in a charity concert involving quite a few acts and a bit of press coverage. The event is being staged by Angry Anderson, who takes upon himself these charity "challenges" whereby he must get a seemingly impossible task completed in a short amount of time. Last time it was a playground for blind children that he had to get materials and labour donated for free and built within three days! This time, his task is to raise half a million dollars for a hospital in Brisbane that specializes in treating children with spina bifida. He again has three days to do it and if he fails, the hospital will close. So, this concert, to be held in Brisbane, will help Angry reach his goal. Icehouse will be performing a set of three acoustic songs. For those of you who may be interested in going, the details on tickets, venue, etc., will not be available until three days before it actually takes place! So keep your eyes and ears peeled for adverts for this worthwhile charity benefit.

We do urge those who can go to see Icehouse perform at this concert, because that's the last we're going to see of Icehouse live for quite some time. Unfortunately, the boys will not be hitting the road this month and probably won't for a while to come. We know… groan… but there is a silver lining!! We have it on good authority (i.e. straight from the Diva himself!) that there is going to be a lot of work done in these remaining months of 1994. We don't have too many details as of yet but Iva and the boys will be working on at least two projects in the studio and will be mapping out their next "plan of attack." We will hopefully have more details for you in the next issue of Spellbound.

As a footnote to these projects, the fate of Full Circle is still to be decided.