Words In Motion
Spellbound - Vol III Iss I
© June 1996
From Darren McK., Glen Iris, VIC, Australia -
How does Iva blend musical pieces together when writing music to DAT or
CD, such as the songs on Big Wheel and The Berlin Tapes?
Id like to learn how this blending is achieved so I can apply it
(or at least try it out) in putting together some music of my own.
Iva's answer -
The pieces are made independently, they are mixed as separate entities
but the top and tail content is written with a segue in mind.
They are then transferred to Computer as digital stereo recordings. It
is then possible to overlap them by cross fading
i.e. as the first fades out the second fades in
underneath. The trick is to make the content of piece #1s tail
compatible with piece #2s beginning e.g. they might be in the same
musical key. This is how the various segues and inserted connecting
pieces are integrated. This kind of editing is very
easy with a digital recording/editing facility like Pro Tool 111
which is what Trackdown Studio has had for some time. I have only acquired
it here at my own studio in the last two months so all the Big Wheel
editing was done at Trackdown.