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26 December 2009 A belated Christmas present! The Golden Stave site has finally posted photos from the lucheon on 26 June! There are several nice snaps of ID. The first picture of him is on the second page of photos. Happy viewing! 12 December 2009 Here are a couple of videos from the media launch of "The 80s Are Back" exhibition at the Powerhouse Museum: 10 December 2009 From bigpondnews.com: Eighties music showcased in exhibition While it's music and fashion is experiencing a revival, the 'daggy' decade of the 80s has made it's official comeback at Sydney's Powerhouse Museum. 9 October 2009 Sound Relief DVD released today! Icehouse's complete performance is included as part of the Sydney portion. More information can be found at the Liberation site.
Saturday 7 February 2009 will Forever be known as Black Saturday. 26 September 2009 From the Manly Daily: ST LUKE'S GRAMMAR SCHOOL – SPRING FAIR – 26 SEPTEMBER 2009 27 July 2009 From the July issue of Pipeline, a Salvation Army publication, this photo was taken in May at the official launch of the Red Shield Appeal in Sydney. A number of celebrities were present at the launch and are pictured with Salvation Army officers and Communications Department staff. From left are Mick Doohan, Major Paul Kinder, Alex Robinson, Brant Webb, Major Philip Maxwell, Adriana Guthrie, Captain Peter McGuigan, Iva Davies and Todd Russell. Photo by Adam Hollingworth. 1 July 2009 Guy Pratt will be touring Australia next month. One stop will be in Adelaide. GOSSIP FROM THE GUY 29 June 2009 Here’s a fantastic photo of Iva that was taken at the 2009 Golden Stave Charity Luncheon, courtesy of The Daily Telegraph and news.com.au. 27 June 2009
We're sure all of you will join us in saying, "Congratulations, Iva! Well done!"
7 June 2009 Check out Spellbound's new Facebook page for Iva Davies & Icehouse! We hope everyone reading this will become a fan and contribute to making the page another great resource for all things Icehouse! 6 June 2009 Another long-time friend of Spellbound, Wil Manning, contributed these great photos. Thanks, Wil! We appreciate it! Wil adds to Dags' review of the show:
4 June 2009 Spellbound's good friend Darren McKinty (Dags) attended the Heart of St Kilda concert, and had this to say:
Now, for those photos - crappy phone camera or not - we're extremely glad to have them! Thanks for sharing, Dags!
22 May 2009 Happy Birthday, Iva! Iva will again be donating his time to the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal today. Nice way to spend a birthday! "I often see the Salvation Army in my local area and
it's important to donate to this vital cause. Please consider doing something
more for the less fortunate. There's such a big hidden need out there.
The Salvation Army is able to transform lives through the work that it
does in communities and on the street. The Salvos want to do more and
by supporting Red Shield you can help them." 13 May 2009 Sacred Heart Mission
Our services include a free, hot lunch to 600 people every day of the year, housing assistance, counselling, food parcels, emergency financial support and drug and alcohol support. The Mission also operates a clinic, sports and recreation program, mental health unit, three aged care hostels, crisis accommodation for women, three Op shops and a 64-bed rooming house. But we need your support. For more information regarding Sacred Heart Mission, visit www.sacredheartmission.org Cameron Adams discovers Icehouse is warming-up for a
new gig. Icehouse have reformed. Briefly. The band will play at this year's Sacred Heart Mission's star-studded Heart of St Kilda Concert at the Palais on June 4. The event - also featuring Kate Ceberano, Tim Rogers, Mark Seymour and comedians Dave Hughes and Mick Molloy - aims to raise $100,000 to fund Sacred Heart Mission's meal service and other community work. "I'm increasingly involved with charity work," Davies told Rock City this week. "At this stage in my life I get a lot of pleasure to find myself in the position in society where I can contribute to these things, it's very grounding work." It follows Icehouse reuniting for the Sydney leg of the Sound Relief concert - Davies was the first artist to sign onto the event. "It was a very nerve-wracking night for me in front of near on 50,000 people after 15 years abscence," Davies says. "But it was very exciting." The well-received Sound Relief performance fuelled an array of reformation rumour. Davies is quick to deny them - saying the Sacred Heart show is a one-off favour for a friend. "There's been an awful lot of talk but the practical reality is that I'm a long way off being match fit enough to do anything more substantial than small appearances," Davies says. "One of the reasons we haven't even contemplated a full-scale tour was because we never did anything by halves. I wouldn't entertain the idea of doing anything unless it was up to the standard we had previously presented. "There's been any number of offers, until such time that I really think I'm capable of undertaking a full-scale tour - and at the moment I just wouldn't be physically up to it - those disucssions are academic. We can't avoid the fact we're all middle aged men!" Pushed, Davies - who turns 54 this month - admits Sound Relief opened his eyes to the ongoing influence of Icehouse. "It certainly did take me by surprise. It's something I never really fully process, the way in which the songs have filtered through to another generation." Davies was in Melbourne recently to help out Jet's Nic Cester at Earth Hour. Cester covered Icehouse's 1980 classic We Can Get Together but needed the song's author after realising how wordy the song was. "I know what he means," Davies says. "I got the words to Electric Blue wrong in Sound Relief and I wrote them! "But I met Nic at Sound Relief, he got up with Katy from Little Birdy and Kav from Eskimo Joe on Great Southern Land. "I'm a huge Jet fan, so I got to play with him and Chris Cheney from the Living End. He's an unbelievable guitarist. It was great fun for me to let these guys know i've been watching what they do and I admire their work." Sound Relief gave Davies the chance to play for his daughter Brynn (15) and son Evan (12) for the first time. "That was a highlight for me. If they never see us play again at least they've seen us play once." The verdict from his kids? "A teenage muted thumbs up." Evan Davies has just started his own covers band. "They play everything from U2 to Coldplay. They've just started by theyr'e a great little unit." Icehouse began as Flowers, a covers band, before writing originals. However Iva's son's band are currently free of Icehouse covers. "I think I'd forbid that," Davies notes. Heart of St Kilda concert, Palais, June 4. $69, Ticketmaster. 2 May 2009 Cure for Life Foundation - Unmask The Cure Gala Ball Cure For Life Foundation (CFLF) is devoted to saving lives of people suffering from brain tumours, through advances in research and education in neurosurgery. The Cure For Life Foundation was established by the world-renowned neurosurgeon Dr Charles Teo to help fund advancements in the treatment of brain cancer, hopefully one day leading to a cure. Jean Kittson will host the Cure for Life Foundation Unmask The Cure Gala Ball at the Hordern Pavilion, with special guests new Australian Leo Sayer, Iva Davies and the Party Boys. The ball will also feature Screaming Jets band members David Gleeson and Scott Kingman, Mondo Rock's Paul Christie and Powderfinger's Lachlan Doley. To help raise even more funds for the Cure For Life Foundation, you can purchase your evening masquerade mask from the charity. The Unmask The Cure Gala Ball is on 2 May. 31 March 2009 Iva provided this photo of himself, Chris Cheney (The Living End) and Nic Cester (Jet). It was taken backstage after the Earth Hour concert.
Comment from Iva regarding the Earth Hour Concert: Played "We Can Get Together" with Nic Cestor (Jet) and it was he who invited me to come down to do it. I then joined Chris Cheney (The Living End) and Nic playing Nic's guitar for the Beatles' "Revolution" which closed the night. We ended up in a club until the wee hours of Sunday morning, a very fun experience all round. Excerpt from Earth Hour Concert @ Federation Square, Melbourne, by lukey26, fasterlouder.com.au: Fresh from recording his third album, Jets Nic Cestor was next to take to the stage, and he had a very special guest with him, all the way from Sydney. Living legend, and lead singer of Australian band Icehouse Iva Davies joined the young rocker performing a one song set.
Earth Hour Concert - Melbourne Iva will be performing Saturday night March 28th in at the Earth Hour Concert in Federation Square in Melbourne as part of a supergroup made up of members of Jet, Living End, Spiderbait and more. The concert is free and is set to start at 6:30 pm. Earth Hour began in Sydney in 2007, when 2.2 million homes and businesses switched off their lights for one hour. In 2008 the message had grown into a global sustainability movement, with 50 million people switching off their lights. Global landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Romes Colosseum, the Sydney Opera House and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square all stood in darkness. In 2009, Earth Hour is being taken to the next level, with the goal of 1 billion people switching off their lights as part of a global vote. More information can be found at the websites for Earth Hour and Future Spark. 16 March 2009 Icehouse was the first artist to sign up for Sound Relief, within 10 minutes of the first conversation about the project. Spellbound had a chat with Iva regarding the events surrounding Sound Relief. Here's what he shared with us: The band gathered for a three hour rehearsal on Friday. Some of their equipment didn't arrive on time for the rehearsal which cut the three hour period down to an hour and a half. At 5pm on Friday they had a sound check at the SCG and that went well. They arrived at the venue at 5:30pm on Saturday. Iva was joined by his daughter, Brynn and his son, Evan. There was an interview with Music Max as well as a photo shoot with the band. Keith Welsh offered his services to the band in a managerial capacity. He handled all of the arrangements for the band and kept tabs on everything. Iva described this as a "labour of love" for Keith and said he was just "fantastic." Go Keith! It is also worth noting that Larry Ponting was heavily involved with the operations for the concert in Melbourne at the MCG. He also put together the Icehouse crew and lighting engineer. ID also noted that Larry was responsible for overseeing the onscreen light show which accompanied the band. Larry is a long time friend of Iva's and also a former Icehouse tour manager. Throughout the time at the venue Iva met some of the other acts involved. He met some of the members of Jett, Eskimo Joe and the Presets. Brynn and Evan got autographs from the Presets, which are current faves of theirs. There were a few nerve-wracking moments. Iva's guitar wasn't working properly but he was able to get it fixed before the band started the performance of "Crazy". Otherwise, that would have been something of a disaster! The rain came down in buckets during the Presets set. The stage ended up being quite wet and slippery. Icehouse was moved back deeper into the stage to avoid some of the wetter parts towards the front of the stage. Iva said he still was very careful as to where he put his feet! Simon Leadley played his part as the tech manager for Icehouse's set. He was also moved from place to place due to the wet conditions. Icehouse were joined on stage by Nic from Jett on guitar, Katty from Little Birdie and Cav from Eskimo Joe. William Barton was the didgeridoo player. This had been pre-arranged with Keith Welsh and ID said it was very generous of them to join the band for "Great Southern Land." ID said he could hear the audience singing along with "Can't Help Myself" and thought that was great! Once it was all over he and the band were very pleased with how it all turned out. It was a great night for all! He did have a word with Evan to see how he felt about the show. He asked Evan if he had a good time and Evan said "what do you think?!" Needless to say, Evan was mighty impressed with the show! Judging by all the great comments from fans and press alike it seems that everyone is joining Evan in his sentiments! 14 March 2009 Icehouse played the following songs at Sound Relief: Artists played during the triple j broadcast: 13 March 2009 From triple j: triple j will be broadcasting both Sound Relief concerts this Saturday 14th March from midday until late in the night. Well be crossing between both the MCG and the SCG concerts, so youll hear the best bits from: COLDPLAY Icehouse's currently scheduled set time of 8:50 pm in Sydney translates to 5:50 am on the East Coast of the U.S. 10 March 2009 Below are the Sound Relief set times from the MySpace blog (times and order are a guide only, and subject to change without notice). SOUND RELIEF - SYDNEY - SCG 11:00AM Gates SOUND RELIEF - MELBOURNE - MCG 9 March 2009 Sound Relief Live on Channel [V] & MAX Channel [V] and MAX will be exclusivley broadcasting the SOUND RELIEF concerts LIVE from the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) and the Sydney Cricket ground (SCG) this coming Saturday. This will be the only appearance of this performance on TV, and there will be no repeats. If you've missed out on tickets (Melbourne has already sold out), or can't make it to Sydney then make sure you tune your TV in to MAX on the day. [V]Js Jane Gazzo, Danny Clayton and Renee Bargh will host the LIVE TV broadcast from the MCG on Channel [V], whilst MAX will show the Sydney show (at the SCG), to be hosted by Yumi Stynes and Chit Chat . The telecast will commence simultaneously at 12 noon on Saturday 14th March. NEWS FLASH: Barry Gibb of the Bee Gees will be backed by a band including Jon Farriss from INXS on drums, for sat night Sydney Sound Relief. More information: Also, Iva's rendition of the Easybeats' "Sad and Lonely and Blue" was heard at the end of an episode of the Australian TV show Underbelly. 6 March 2009 Excerpt from Bands to bring Sound Relief, Sydney Morning Herald Icehouse frontman Iva Davies, whose band hasn't played since 1994, says he was overwhelmed when he first heard about the devastation caused by the nation's worst natural disaster. "It was such a phenomenally powerful force of nature, it was beyond any comprehension," he says, adding that his father was a forester for 42 years and his family grew up with the threat of bushfires in the Riverina. "We wanted to help in any way we could. I think there are lessons we can all learn about coexisting with nature in this unique environment we live in."
Tickets went onsale today from Ticketek 132 849 for the two Sound Relief concerts, and those tickets are going quickly! That's great news for the two worthy causes that will benefit from the money raised by these concerts. 100% of the proceeds from the Melbourne concert will be donated to the Red Cross Victorian Bushfire Appeal. 50% of the proceeds from the Sydney concert will be donated to the Red Cross Victorian Bushfire Appeal and the other 50% will be donated to The Premier's Disaster Relief Fund Appeal in QLD to aid the victims of the Queensland floods. Sound Relief also has a MySpace site. 1 March 2009 KOFM 102.9 in Newcastle interviewed Iva regarding the Sound Relief concert. Have a listen! 24 February 2009 Iva will be on Sunrise this morning at 7:50am on Channel 7.
11th Annual Nordoff-Robbins Music Trivia Night The 11th Annual Nordoff-Robbins Music and Entertainment Trivia Night will be held on Thursday 26 March 2009 at an exciting new venue - the Kirribilli Club. This popular event has been a complete sell-out for the past few years so make sure you get in quick. Quizmasters include Kirk Pengilly, Iva Davies, Mark Gable and Melinda Schneider. Photo: 2008 quizmasters Glenn A Baker, Mark Gable, Iva Davies, Jimmy Barnes, Jenny Morris, Melinda Schneider, Mark Lizotte, Peter Hebbes. 23 February 2009 Minister for rock: Garrett reforms Oils for fire benefit, AAP, Sydney Morning Herald Federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett will return to his musical roots to play a huge benefit concert in Melbourne next month for victims of the Victorian bushfires. Mr Garrett will reform with his band Midnight Oil for the concert at the MCG on March 14. Iconic Australian band Hunters And Collectors will play together at the Melbourne event - the first time since 1998. International act Kings Of Leon are also on the Melbourne bill as is Jack Johnson. Another concert, which will also benefit victims of the bushfires as well as the Queensland floods, will occur simultaneously at the SCG. The Sydney concert will feature an acoustic set by international act Coldplay as well as Josh Pyke, Eskimo Joe, The Hoodoo Gurus, Jet, Wolfmother and Icehouse. Iva has confirmed for us that Icehouse are indeed scheduled to perform at the Sound Relief concert in Sydney. It will be a short set with the band consisting of Paul Gildea, Paul Wheeler, Glen Reither and Steve Bull. Please keep in mind that this is a project in flux and details are subject to change. 14 February 2009 Iva played an acoustic version of GSL on 774 ABC radio national in support of the bushfire appeal today. 12 February 2009 "Great Southern Land" is one of 35 tracks on this 2 CD set for a worthy cause. BUSHFIRE
AID - Artists for The Bushfire Appeal Australian and international artists have immediately jumped to the cause and generously donated their songs and royalties to help the appeal. BUSHFIRE AID - Artists For The Bushfire Appeal features 35 artists on 2 CDs such as Midnight Oil, Hoodoo Gurus, John Farnham, Delta Goodrem, Jessica Mauboy, John Butler Trio and Wes Carr, together with international artists such as Bruce Springsteen and Billy Joel. BUSHFIRE AID - Artists For The Bushfire Appeal was officially launched during the Nine Network telethon 'Australia Unites - The Victorian Bushfire Appeal', which aired on Thursday 12 February nationally. Sony Music proceeds from the sale of the CD will go to the Salvation Army Bushfire Appeal through the charitable arm of the Australian Sony Group of Companies, The Sony Foundation. Denis Handlin AM, Chairman & CEO, Australia & New Zealand, Sony Music Entertainment said: "Sony Music Australia is privileged to support the Victorian Bushfire Appeal through this special CD." "Our thanks go to all of the artists and songwriters for generously donating their tracks royalty free. We also thank Sony DADC Australia for kindly donating the CD manufacturing." "I know everyone in Australia shares deep concern for this tragedy, its horrific toll on life, families, communities and wildlife. On behalf of Sony Music and the Sony Foundation, our thoughts and prayers are with those affected, and our immense gratitude goes to all the emergency service people and volunteers who have so generously given in this time of need." BUSHFIRE AID - Artists For The Bushfire Appeal is in stores
now. 26 January 2009 Here's S.A.M.'s transcription of the Jono & Dano interview: Jono and Dano's return to the airwaves kicked off in fine style...first with a Minister for a guest, closely followed by an Ambassador!! Their first guest was Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts (and former frontman for Midnight Oil), Peter Garrett. After speaking with Mr G, and playing an Oils song, they then played "Great Southern Land" and chatted with Iva. Iva talked about the experience of being an Ambassador. He mentioned one of the best things about the role was taking part in the Citizenship Ceremonies. At one such Ceremony, he related that there were people from around 100 different countries taking part! Aside from mentioning that being an Ambassador was his way of being Peter Garrett for a day!!....Iva also told a humourous anecdote about one particular experience as an Australia Day Ambassador. He spoke of the time he attended one of the smaller Australia Day gatherings. There were around 20 or so people there. One young boy approached Iva and asked "Are you an Ambassador?" When Iva replied yes, the young lad responded excitedly... "So, where's your limo?" 23 January 2009 Iva is doing a short interview for Australia Day that will be aired next Sunday morning at 7am on Sky News. 22 January 2009 Excerpts from an article in The Daily Telegraph, Sydney: THIS year is the 20th anniversary of the Australia Day ambassador program, where high-achieving Australians are guests at community celebrations. In 2009 more than 160 ambassadors from all walks of life will visit local councils and take part in their activities. Iva explains what he think makes Australia unique... "It is the diversity. The enormous number of different
countries represented in Australia result in a combination that produces
such an amazing variety." 20 January 2009 Jono & Dano hit the airwaves this Australia Day with a host of homegrown heroes. Jonathan Jono Coleman and Ian Dano Rogerson will kick-off their new weekday drive-time programme, The Jono & Dano Show, with some of Australias biggest music legends this Australia Day. Over three hours, the launch show special, Jono & Danos Homegrown Heroes, will be jam-packed with classic hits and interviews. Music greats celebrating Jono & Danos return to radio on the Classic Hits Network include Jimmy Barnes, Richard Clapton, INXS Kirk Pengilly, Hoodoo Gurus, Rob Hirst, Ian Moss, Jon Stevens, Doc Neeson, John Paul Young, Iva Davies, James Reyne, Mental As Anything, Daryl Braithwaite, Mark Gable from The Choirboys, Diesel, Dragon, Ross Wilson and Eric McCusker from Mondo Rock, with many treating listeners to an acoustic performance. 6 January 2009 Iva recorded an interview this afternoon with Mark Trevorrow for his "Me and My Music" segment on 702 ABC Sydney radio. It aired later in the evening. Here's S.A.M.'s rundown of the discussion: The show went for around 50 minutes. It started with "We Can Get Together" being played. Iva and Mark then spoke about, and played some of Iva's fave songs over the years, and discussed in some detail interesting bits and pieces relating to each song, and the artist. Here is a listing of the songs played, and some of the comments... WALK ON THE WILD SIDE - LOU REED IMAGINE - JOHN LENNON HEROES - DAVID BOWIE GAMES WITHOUT FRONTIERS - PETER GABRIEL LITTLE GREEN - JONI MITCHELL CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION - T-REX MONEY - PINK FLOYD Iva also mentioned his love of classical music - in particular composers such as Bach and Strauss. One of the things he found most amazing about Bach was his ability to produce such incredible work despite the very strict confines and limitations of the genre. As for current projects... Iva mentioned that's he's always on the lookout for new film projects. The situation in the film industry at present, however, means that quite a few projects end up getting shelved. |